
SVN : a software versioning and revision control system.


  • Download and install Neard.
  • If you already have installed Neard, stop it.
  • Download a SVN version of your choice.
  • Extract archive in neard\bins\svn\. Directory structure example :
[-] neard
  | [-] bins
  |  | [-] svn
  |  |  | [-] svn1.6.23
  |  |     | neard.conf
  • Start Neard.
  • Switch to the SVN version you have extracted on Neard :


: Default
: Pre-release

Version Official date Module date Neard Download Verification
1.9.4 2016/04/28 2016/11/17 >= 1.0.22 neard-svn-1.9.4-r1.7z [MD5] [SHA1] [SHA256] [SHA512]
1.8.16 2016/04/28 2016/11/17 >= 1.0.22 neard-svn-1.8.16-r1.7z [MD5] [SHA1] [SHA256] [SHA512]
1.7.19 2014/12/15 2016/11/17 >= 1.0.22 neard-svn-1.7.19-r1.7z [MD5] [SHA1] [SHA256] [SHA512]
1.6.23 2013/05/30 2016/11/17 >= 1.0.22 neard-svn-1.6.23-r1.7z [MD5] [SHA1] [SHA256] [SHA512]

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