1.8.1 > 1.8.2

  • required : Remove then copy folder core
  • required : Replace file alias/adminer.conf
  • required : Replace file alias/gitlist.conf
  • required : Replace file alias/phpmemadmin.conf
  • required : Replace file alias/phpmyadmin.conf
  • required : Replace file alias/phppgadmin.conf
  • required : Replace file alias/webgrind.conf
  • required : Replace file alias/websvn.conf

1.8.0 > 1.8.1

  • required : Remove then copy folder core
  • required : Replace file alias/adminer.conf
  • required : Replace file alias/gitlist.conf
  • required : Replace file alias/phpmemadmin.conf
  • required : Replace file alias/phpmyadmin.conf
  • required : Replace file alias/phppgadmin.conf
  • required : Replace file alias/webgrind.conf
  • required : Replace file alias/websvn.conf

1.7.2 > 1.8.0

  • required : Remove then copy folder core
  • required : Remove folder tools/drush
  • required : Remove folder tools/phpmetrics
  • required : Remove folder tools/phpunit
  • required : Remove folder tools/wpcli
  • required : Remove line drushVersion in tools section in neard.conf
  • required : Remove line phpmetricsVersion in tools section in neard.conf
  • required : Remove line phpunitVersion in tools section in neard.conf
  • required : Remove line wpcliVersion in tools section in neard.conf

1.7.1 > 1.7.2

  • required : Remove then copy folder core

1.7 > 1.7.1

  • required : Remove then copy folder core

1.6 > 1.7

  • required : Remove then copy folder core
  • required : Remove folder tools/console
  • required : Copy folder tools/consolez
  • required : Remove consoleVersion key in neard.conf
  • required : Add line consolezVersion = "" after composerVersion in neard.conf
  • required : Replace file alias/adminer.conf
  • required : Replace file alias/gitlist.conf
  • required : Replace file alias/phpmemadmin.conf
  • required : Replace file alias/phpmyadmin.conf
  • required : Replace file alias/phppgadmin.conf
  • required : Replace file alias/webgrind.conf
  • required : Replace file alias/websvn.conf
  • required : Replace file neard.exe

1.5 > 1.6

  • required : Remove then copy folder core

1.4 > 1.5

  • required : Remove then copy folder core

1.3 > 1.4

  • required : Remove then copy folder core
  • required : Remove then copy file sprites.dat
  • required : Copy folder tools\ngrok
  • required : Add line ngrokVersion = "2.2.8" after gitVersion in neard.conf
  • required : Remove line hostseditorVersion in tools section in neard.conf and remove folder tools\hostseditor
  • required : Remove line imagemagickVersion in tools section in neard.conf and remove folder tools\imagemagick
  • required : Change consoleVersion value to in neard.conf and copy folder tools\console\console2.00.148.4
  • required : Change yarnVersion value to 1.3.2 in neard.conf and copy folder tools\yarn\yarn1.3.2
  • required : Change gitlistVersion value to 0.6.0 in neard.conf and copy folder apps\gitlist\gitlist0.6.0
  • required : Replace your existing Composer version(s) with the latest Composer release.
  • required : Replace your existing PHP version(s) with the latest PHP release.

1.2 > 1.3

  • required : Download and install the latests Neard Prerequisites Package
  • required : Remove then copy folder core
  • required : Remove then copy file sprites.dat
  • required : Copy folder tools\ghostscript
  • required : Remove folder tools\notepad2mod
  • required : Copy folder tools\perl
  • required : Copy folder tools\yarn
  • required : Add line ghostscriptVersion = "9.21" after drushVersion in neard.conf
  • required : Remove line notepad2modVersion in the tools part in neard.conf
  • required : Add line perlVersion = "" after imagemagickVersion in neard.conf
  • required : Add line yarnVersion = "0.24.6" after xdcVersion in neard.conf
  • required : Change consoleVersion value to in neard.conf and copy folder tools\console\console2.00.148.3
  • optional : Regenerate new SSL certificates for localhost and vhosts (Neard > Tools > Generate SSL certificate)

1.0.22 > 1.2

  • required : Download and install the latests Neard Prerequisites Package
  • required : Remove then copy folder core
  • required : Copy file nssmEnvPaths.dat
  • required : Add line mongodbVersion = "2.6.12" after mariadbEnable in neard.conf
  • required : Add line mongodbEnable = "1" after mongodbVersion in neard.conf
  • required : Copy folder bins\mongodb
  • optional : Change phpmemadminVersion value to in neard.conf and copy folder apps\phpmemadmin\phpmemadmin0.1.0.41
  • required : Remove then copy folder apps\websvn\websvn2.3.3
  • required : Replace your existing Adminer version with the latest Adminer release.
  • required : Replace your existing Apache version with the latest Apache release.
  • required : Replace your existing PHP version with the latest PHP release.

1.0.21 > 1.0.22

  • required : Remove file alias\svn.conf
  • required : Copy folder bin\svn
  • required : Remove then copy folder core
  • required : Move folders inside svnrepos to bin\svn\svn1.7.19\repos
  • required : Remove folder svnrepos
  • required : Copy folder tools\python
  • required : Copy folder tools\ruby
  • required : Remove folder tools\svn
  • required : Add line pythonVersion = "" after phpunitVersion in neard.conf
  • required : Add line rubyVersion = "2.0.0.p648" after pythonVersion in neard.conf
  • required : Remove line svnVersion in the tools part in neard.conf
  • required : Add line svnVersion = "1.7.19" after memcachedEnable in neard.conf
  • required : Add line svnEnable = "1" after svnVersion in neard.conf
  • required : Remove then copy file sprites.dat
  • required : Remove files ssl\neardfilezilla.*
  • required : Replace your existing Apache version with the latest Apache release.
  • required : Replace your existing Filezilla version with the latest Filezilla release.

1.0.20 > 1.0.21

  • required : Download and install the latests Neard Prerequisites Package
  • required : Remove then copy folder apps\adminer
  • required : Copy folder apps\phpmemadmin
  • required : Copy folder apps\phppgadmin
  • required : Copy file alias\phpmemadmin.conf
  • required : Copy file alias\phppgadmin.conf
  • required : Copy file alias\phpmyadmin.conf
  • required : Copy folder bin\memcached
  • required : Copy folder bin\postgresql
  • required : Remove then copy folder core
  • required : Replace apacheLaunchStartup with apacheEnable in neard.conf
  • required : Replace mysqlLaunchStartup with mysqlEnable in neard.conf
  • required : Replace mariadbLaunchStartup with mariadbEnable in neard.conf
  • required : Replace filezillaLaunchStartup with filezillaEnable in neard.conf
  • required : Replace mailhogLaunchStartup with mailhogEnable in neard.conf
  • required : Add line phpEnable = "1" after phpVersion in neard.conf
  • required : Add line nodejsEnable = "1" after nodejsVersion in neard.conf
  • required : Add line postgresqlVersion = "9.4.8" after mariadbEnable in neard.conf
  • required : Add line postgresqlEnable = "1" after postgresqlVersion in neard.conf
  • required : Add line memcachedVersion = "1.4.5" after mailhogEnable in neard.conf
  • required : Add line memcachedEnable = "1" after memcachedVersion in neard.conf
  • required : Add line phpmemadminVersion = "0.3.1" after gitlistVersion in neard.conf
  • required : Add line phppgadminVersion = "5.2" after phpmyadminVersion in neard.conf

1.0.19 > 1.0.20

  • required : Remove then copy folder bin\filezilla (or download a compatible version of your choice)
  • required : Remove line starting with notepad2Version = in neard.conf
  • required : Add line notepad2modVersion = "" after imagemagickVersion in neard.conf
  • required : Copy folder tools\notepad2mod
  • required : Remove folder tools\notepad2
  • required : Remove then copy folder core
  • required : Remove then copy file sprites.dat
  • optional : Change composerVersion value to 1.1.2 in neard.conf and copy folder tools\composer\composer1.1.2
  • optional : Change gitVersion value to 2.9.0 in neard.conf and copy folder tools\git\git2.9.0
  • optional : Change imagemagickVersion value to 6.9.3-10 in neard.conf and copy folder tools\imagemagick\imagemagick6.9.3-10
  • optional : Change phpunitVersion value to 4.8.26 in neard.conf and copy folder tools\phpunit\phpunit4.8.26
  • optional : Change adminerVersion value to 4.2.5 in neard.conf and copy folder apps\adminer\adminer4.2.5
  • optional : Change phpmyadminVersion value to 4p3 in neard.conf and copy folder apps\phpmyadmin\phpmyadmin4p3
  • optional : Change webgrindVersion value to 1.3.1 in neard.conf and copy folder apps\webgrind\webgrind1.3.1

1.0.18 > 1.0.19

  • Add line mailhogVersion = "0.2.0" after filezillaLaunchStartup in neard.conf
  • Add line mailhogLaunchStartup = "1" after mailhogVersion in neard.conf
  • Add line drushVersion = "7.3.0" after consoleVersion in neard.conf
  • Add line phpunitVersion = "4.8.24" after notepad2Version in neard.conf
  • Add line phpmetricsVersion = "1.0.1" after phpunitVersion in neard.conf
  • Add line wpcliVersion = "0.20.4" after svnVersion in neard.conf
  • Remove then copy folder apps\adminer
  • Remove then copy folder apps\gitlist
  • Remove then copy folder apps\phpmyadmin
  • Copy folder bin\mailhog
  • Add line mariadbRootUser = "root" after mariadbPort in bin\mariadb\mariadbx.x.x\neard.conf
  • Add line mariadbRootPwd = "" after mariadbRootUser in bin\mariadb\mariadbx.x.x\neard.conf
  • Add line mysqlRootUser = "root" after mysqlPort in bin\mysql\mysqlx.x.x\neard.conf
  • Add line mysqlRootPwd = "" after mysqlRootUser in bin\mysql\mysqlx.x.x\neard.conf
  • Remove then copy folder core
  • Remove then copy folder tools\console
  • Copy folder tools\drush
  • Remove then copy folder tools\imagemagick
  • Copy folder tools\phpunit
  • Copy folder tools\phpmetrics
  • Copy folder tools\wpcli
  • Copy folder tmp\drush
  • Copy folder tmp\mailhog
  • Copy folder tmp\wp-cli
  • Remove then copy file sprites.dat

1.0.17 > 1.0.18

  • Change consoleVersion value to p2 in neard.conf
  • Change gitVersion value to 2.8.1 in neard.conf
  • Add line hostseditorVersion = "" after gitVersion in neard.conf
  • Change imagemagickVersion value to 6.9.3-8 in neard.conf
  • Change svnVersion value to 1.7.22 in neard.conf
  • Change xdcVersion value to 1.0b5 in neard.conf
  • Change adminerVersion value to 4.2.4 in neard.conf
  • Change gitlistVersion value to 0.5.0 in neard.conf
  • Change phpmyadminVersion value to 4p2 in neard.conf
  • Change webgrindVersion value to 1.1 in neard.conf
  • Remove setenvVersion key in neard.conf
  • Remove then copy file alias/adminer.conf
  • Remove then copy file alias/gitlist.conf
  • Remove then copy file alias/phpmyadmin.conf
  • Remove then copy file alias/webgrind.conf
  • Remove then copy folder apps
  • Remove then copy folder core
  • Remove then copy folder tools
  • Remove then copy file sprites.dat

1.0.16 > 1.0.17

  • Remove tccleVersion key in neard.conf
  • Change phpmyadminVersion value to 4 in neard.conf
  • Remove then copy file alias/phpmyadmin.conf
  • Remove then copy folder apps/phpmyadmin
  • Remove then copy folder core
  • Remove then copy folder tools/console
  • Remove folder tools/tccle
  • Remove file neard.exe.manifest
  • Remove file neard.exe.rc